Skogsbrukscertifiering enligt FSC innebär att skogsmarken sköts enligt FSC:s Principer och kriterier, som de kommer till uttryck i FSC:s Svenska skogsbruksstandard. Den skogsägare som vill bli FSC-certifierad ska anpassa skogsbruket till reglerna i FSC:s skogsbruksstandard och kontakta en FSC-godkänd certifierare för kontroll och godkännande.


The table below lists the ISO, FSC® and PEFC™ certification coverage of Metsä Board’s mills at Husum, Joutseno, Kaskinen, Kemi, Kyro, Simpele, Tako and Äänekoski. In North America, Metsä Board is also approved to use the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® SFI® Global on-product label.

From now on this replaces the old certificate search. This is the one stop for inquiries about certificates and their status. Updates to the data can take up to 24 hours. Podporujeme trvalo udržateľné obhospodarovanie lesov. PEFC Slovensko je profesijným, dobrovoľným a nezávislým združením právnických osôb s pôsobnosťou na území Slovenskej republiky. PEFC, the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, is a leading global alliance of national forest certification systems. As an international non-profit, non-governmental organization, we are dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management through independent third-party certification.

Fsc pefc certifikat

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At present there are two (2) organizations that certify forest certification at the international level which are Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). In Peninsular Malaysia, the Forest Management Certification is based on PEFC that is carried out by the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) Download our PEFC certificate. FSC. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) is an international non-profit organisation established in 1993 by forest owners, wood and paper companies, social movements and environmental organisations. The FSC also strives for sustainable forest management worldwide, according to strict social, ecological and FSC®. The Forest Stewardship Council® is an independent, non-profit, Ekman & Co AB, Gothenburg and Storfors, Sweden – Link to PEFC Certificate  WWF considers the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to be the most robust of the major forest certification schemes including FSC, PEFC (Programme for the  The FSC system allows businesses and consumers to identify, purchase and use wood, paper and other forest products made with materials from well-managed  The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit, multistakeholder While the report recommended stirpping Korindo of it FSC certificate, FSC chose not to publicly The main competing forest certification system PEFC - Europapier Certificate. fsc_certificate.

Vi förespråkar ett hållbart skogsbruk där det råder en balans mellan miljö och produktion. Sydved är certifierat enligt FSC® (FSC-C015573) och PEFC.

Check your Certificates: FSC and PEFC One key piece of feedback we have received from the RPP audits so far, is that members are not always checking the validity of certificates received under third party certification schemes.

Certifikat FSC, PEFC och ISO 14001. Vi förespråkar ett hållbart skogsbruk där det råder en balans mellan miljö och produktion. Sydved är certifierat enligt FSC®  Vi innehar också COC-certifikat för leveranser av FSC®- och PEFC-märkta FSC (Forest Stewardship Council®) är en internationell organisation för certifiering  Därför har vi på Troldtekt valt att komplettera vår FSC®-certifiering (FSC®C115450) med en PEFC-certifiering.

All of the company's production units have ISO 14001 certification. The company's production units are certified according to FSC® Chain of Custody and PEFC™ , 

OrganoWood ® får i RISE (SP) testet ASTM E1980-11 ett SRI på 82,4 vilket är ett mycket bra värde. Certifikat. Allt OrganoWoods virke är FSC ® (FSC-C120532) eller PEFC-certifierat. Certified management systems:ISO, PEFC*, FSC®*. Metsä Tissue uses certified management systems to ensure continuous improvement of operations and compliance with the systems' requirements. All Metsä Tissue's mills have certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 quality-, environment and energy efficiency standards and almost all have an Certifikat och revisionsrapporter Svenska PEFC™ och Svenska FSC ® stödjer principen om offentlighet för all information som är av intresse för skogsbrukets externa intressenter och där offentlighet inte kan ha negativ inverkan på den certifierade organisationens (eller berörd skogsägares) affärsverksamhet. Certificate Certificate Code --() FSC Controlled Wood CW Risk Assessment Product Level 1 Work on the environment has always been important for BillerudKorsnäs’ production units.

Fsc pefc certifikat

Be part of the solution to forest loss and climate change. Engage in FSC, SBP, PEFC, LegalSource, Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture,  Så bildades till att börja med FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) 1993. FSC har sedan följts av flera andra system för skogscertifiering varav PEFC (Programme  Stenvalls Trä AB är certifierade enligt FSC COC (chain of custody) som är en Certifikat. FSC Spårbarhetscertifikat (Chain of Custody) (eng) · PEFC  Některým odběratelům je jedno, zda má surovina FSC nebo PEFC certifikát, jiní vyžadují nebo preferují pouze FSC certifikát.
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PEFC™ betyder ”Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes”, d.v.s ett ”Program för bekräftelse av skogscertifierings system”.

Båda certifieringssystemen har liknande krav avseende skogsbruksstandard,  Hällefors Tierp Skogars skogsbruk är certifierat enligt FSC®:s och PEFC™:s svenska skogsbruksstandarder. licensnummer FSC-C014110) och/eller PEFC (Programme for the kyrkans PEFC-förening med samma funktion för PEFC certifiering.
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FSC™ and PEFC™ Certification - Sustainable Forestry Third-party PEFC and FSC™ certification is proof of a forest owner’s social and environmental responsibility. Purchasers of wood and paper products increasingly prefer to select those that are sourced from sustainably managed forests.

Metsä Tissue uses certified management systems to ensure continuous improvement of operations and compliance with the systems' requirements. All Metsä Tissue's mills have certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 quality-, environment and energy efficiency standards and almost all have an Custody certificate, with a number unique to the organisation. Global forest area certified by major certification schemes1 (million hectares) PEFC PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation, which promotes sustainably managed forests through Chain- Certificate Certificate Code --() FSC Controlled Wood CW Risk Assessment Product Level 1 Work on the environment has always been important for BillerudKorsnäs’ production units.

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About the FSC. FSC is an international not-for-profit organization that brings people together to find solutions which promote responsible stewardship of the world’s forests.The FSC trademark allows consumers worldwide to recognize products that support the growth of responsible forest management. The FSC Certificate database can be accessed here

Certified management systems:ISO, PEFC*, FSC®*. Metsä Tissue uses certified management systems to ensure continuous improvement of operations and compliance with the systems' requirements. All Metsä Tissue's mills have certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 quality-, environment and energy efficiency standards and almost all have an Certifikat och revisionsrapporter Svenska PEFC™ och Svenska FSC ® stödjer principen om offentlighet för all information som är av intresse för skogsbrukets externa intressenter och där offentlighet inte kan ha negativ inverkan på den certifierade organisationens (eller berörd skogsägares) affärsverksamhet. Certificate Certificate Code --() FSC Controlled Wood CW Risk Assessment Product Level 1 Work on the environment has always been important for BillerudKorsnäs’ production units. All of the company’s production units have ISO 14001 certification.